Local Investing YYC has raised $2.32 million in capital for investment in Calgary-based businesses that are generating positive social and environmentAl impact.

Who we fund
We fund Calgary-based local businesses and social enterprises that, beyond generating financial returns, are creating positive social and environmental impact.
Local Investing YYC looks for the following criteria in our investments:
✓ Have a strong business plan
✓Have revenue visibility or other evidence of a viable business model
✓Have skin in the game and/or other financing
✓Are fully committed to the business and the cause – the venture is not a side gig
✓Can secure additional investment capital and/or provide preferential creditor treatment
✓Meet our financial health and impact criteria
We are accepting applications ahead of our next raise. Fill out the application below if interested.
That’s us!
If you feel your Calgary business meets the criteria then Apply TODAY
Local Business - Local Investing YYC